ICT-based Diagnostic Tool and Knowledge Development 2.0

ICT-based Diagnostic Tool and Knowledge Development 2.0
The research project "ICT-based Diagnostic Tool and Knowledge Development 2.0" is currently being implemented at Eötvös Loránd University. 

Identification of Social Problem

Education has the task of promoting intercultural competences, democratic values, respect for fundamental rights and the environment, and fighting against all forms of discrimination, thus preparing young people to understand each other well despite their different backgrounds. Facilitating cooperation is an urgent task in the field of special educational needs students, inclusive education, and personalized learning. A well-timed (even technology-based) support, early identification of special educational needs and talent factors, and appropriately coordinated services can be means to achieve these goals, clearly supported by the innovative application of information and communication technology (ICT) in diagnostic activities.

Expected Social/Economic/Environmental Impact of the Research

The developed online test package can become part of the development and implementation of protocols and client process. It can be a relevant element in the establishment of a professional service system, even in a way that service networks and sectors (healthcare, public education, civil sector) become interconnected and permeable.


Csilla Kálózi-Szabó (Eötvös Loránd University, Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education)
More about the 2021–2022 phase of the research