Narrative Skills Test

Narrative Skills Test
The research project "Narrative Skills Test" was implemented at Eötvös Loránd University. 

Identification of a Social Problem

Analyzing the expressive characteristics of speakers of different ages is essential for identifying and initiating early intervention for children with atypical development, among other reasons.

Result of Development/Research

Building on the methodology of storytelling, this development/research project introduces a complementary and pioneering assessment procedure for evaluating children's linguistic status and narrative skills, supplementing the existing Hungarian language tests. The test and accompanying materials, which also support home education, are available on the website

Introduction of the Developed Tool/Method

The website features scientific publications on the examination, development, and improvement opportunities of narrative skills in childhood. It also provides useful image series, task descriptions, and links for developing narrative skills. Additionally, the website offers internationally recognized tests that assess the level and characteristics of narrative skills. Some of these tests are used diagnostically or as a process diagnostic procedure in international speech therapy practice. Currently, there is no domestic test specifically measuring narrative skills, making the developed test, expected to be published within a few months, the first of its kind on the market. Its significance is highlighted by the fact that, instead of adapting English-language tests, the researchers considered it important to take into account the results of previous Hungarian-language research and the practice of speech therapy/special education in Hungary.


Sarolta Murányi (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities)