Online Nyári Egyetemek az Istanbul Aydin Egyetemen

Online Nyári Egyetemek az Istanbul Aydin Egyetemen EN
Az Istanbul Aydin Egyetem 3 Online Nyári Egyetemet ajánl a marketing, a nemzetközi kapcsolatok és politika, valamint a projekt menedzsment területén.


2020. július 13-25.


Digital Marketing

Issues in International Relations and Eurasian Politics

Project Management


This summer (13 July - 25 July 2020), we will be offering 3 online courses for credit. Students will select one course that matches their field of study and academic interests. Students will have the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills through online learning. They will have access to synchronous  lectures by IAU instructors, reading materials, videos and discussion forums on the digital learning platform of IAU. Assignments and final exam will be online. Students who complete the attendance requirements and pass their exams succesfully will be awarded an official transcript by IAU.
We will also post curated visual and textual materials about Istanbul and Turkey to help you learn about our magical city and Turkish culture and modern history. Participating in this bonus section over the weekend  will facilitate intercultural awareness and learning, an important soft skill, which will enhance your employability in the future. Students who complete a short essay based on the visual and textual materials will be awarded  a certificate by IAU International Office.
Students from our partner universities are most welcome to participate with an advantageous fee. They can transfer the course credits earned back to their home university, subject to the regulations of their home university.


Delightful Istanbul Summer School