Supporting Digital Autonomy for the Autism Spectrum (DATA)
Identification of a societal problem
Promoting the social inclusion of individuals with diverse developmental needs is a global objective that has been proven to benefit all participants and society as a whole. In line with this, the school and social inclusion of children with diverse developmental needs is a focal point in domestic and global educational research. Supporting inclusion through fostering autonomy brings significant improvements in quality of life and developmental prospects not only for the children involved but also for their families and educators.
Expected Social/Economic/Environmental Impact of the Research
The topic is highly relevant both domestically and internationally, as the school and social inclusion of children with autism is a global focus. Achieving this goal brings substantial improvements in quality of life and developmental prospects for the children, as well as their families, educators, and the broader community.
The materials to be developed directly serve social inclusion. Firstly, building upon these materials, numerous adaptable methodologies could be developed for various contexts in the future (such as specialized educational environments and utilization of public services). Secondly, internationalization represents geographical and cultural expansion (and subsequently adaptation) of these methodologies.
Ágota Szekeres (Eötvös Loránd University, Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education)