Well-being of high school teachers in Hungary

Well-being of high school teachers in Hungary
The research project of "Well-being of high school teachers in Hungary+ was implemented at Eötvös Loránd University. 

Identification of a Social Problem

The research aimed to develop three measuring tools related to solving social problems: 1) Decrease in the number of applicants for teacher training programs. 2) Increase in the number of teachers leaving the profession or not even starting their careers. 3) Growing workplace dissatisfaction among practicing teachers.

Research findings

A questionnaire has been developed to measure the well-being of high school teachers, taking into account various factors at micro, meso, and macro levels, and to identify the factors contributing most to this state. Based on the results, recommendations are made for teachers, school principals, and decision-making professionals on how to address issues related to well-being.

Introduction of the developed method

Based on the results, recommendations are made for teachers, school principals, and decision-making professionals on how to address issues related to well-being. The product, the questionnaire, is currently stored in two ways. One is an online data collection platform where the research-related data has been collected, and the other is an Excel format where teachers can individually review their results after completing the questionnaire.


Kata Csizér (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities)