A successful week of orientation

A successful week of orientation
The Orientation Week was held in the first week of September to prepare students for the academic year through a wide range of interesting and informative programs with the help of ESN ELTE.

As for the programs, in the mornings students were informed about their administrative duties at the Faculties which was followed by an all-around campus tour.

Regarding the afternoons, a popular program was the Intercultural Introduction event, organized by the professors of the Faculty of Psychology and Education. This provided a deeper understanding of cultural questions with special focus on evident and less evident differences to all participants. Another popular program was the “Hungarian Culture Fair” event, where students could participate at a Hungarian language course and also learn more about Hungarian traditions in an interactive way. Following the Eötvös Hungarian Folk Dance Ensemble’s short opening, everybody had the chance to join.

On Thursday, after the Welcome Ceremony and all the information sessions, students had the opportunity to visit the Information Market, where all service providers from ELTE were present to inform international students about different cultural, career, sport and language learning opportunities. The ELTE Alumni Organization, the Center for Sustainability and the ELTE Disability Center were also participating, just like the Immigration and Asylum Office.

Students who became exhausted from collecting information all day, were charged by the various programs of ESN ELTE, organized in the afternoons/evenings and during the weekend as well.


Orientation Week 2017

Orientation Week 2017




