Call for Applications - CENTRAL Kollegs 2019 - EXTENDED

Call for Applications - CENTRAL Kollegs 2019 - EXTENDED
The Central European Network for Teaching and Research in Academic Liaison (CENTRAL) is providing their Kollegs program again in 2019! CENTRAL-Kollegs are a format for research-based learning aimed at junior researchers (doctoral candidates or post-docs) at all partner universities of the CENTRAL-Network (University of Warsaw, University of Vienna, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Charles University, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) who will develop and carry out an independent research project with students.

In 2019 CENTRAL-Network offers three CENTRAL-Kollegs. We welcome applications from all disciplines.

Who can apply

Junior researchers (doctoral candidates or post-docs, no longer than 2 years after obtaining his/her doctorate degree) at CENTRAL universities can apply collectively as a team of Kolleg workshop leaders.

How does it work?

The CENTRAL-Kolleg consists of a total of three junior researchers and six students in the following composition:

  • one junior researcher from Humboldt-Universität as well as one junior researcher each from two other CENTRAL partner universities (University of Warsaw, University of Vienna, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Charles University)
  • two students from Humboldt-Universität as well as two other students each from two other CENTRAL partner universities (University of Warsaw, University of Vienna, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Charles University)

In CENTRAL-Kollegs, student research teams under the guidance of junior researchers, develop a research project in a subject of their choosing, which they will then carry out independently over a period of several months. The CENTRAL-Kollegs run between August 2019 and December 2019. They include two workshops (initial and final presentations; 3 days each), one held at Humboldt-Universität and one held at Charles University, ELTE, University of Warsaw or University of Vienna, as well as virtual (web-based) and personal exchange between all those involved during the period between the above mentioned workshops.

*Applicants who decide to run one of the workshops at ELTE or the University of Warsaw will be prioritized. However, the quality of the application is the decisive factor.* 

Duties of CENTRAL-Kolleg leaders

  • planning the CENTRAL-Kolleg and selecting participating students
  • organising and preparing workshop meetings (room allocation, organising the initial and final courses at Charles University)
  • supervising students with any content-related/methodological issues in the period between the two above mentioned meetings
  • helping students to process the results in an suitable form (e.g. report, presentation, poster)
  • compiling a short final report regarding the research process and the acquired results for the CENTRAL-Network


Funding for travel and accommodation expenses is available to the participants of a CENTRAL-Kolleg from the two CENTRAL partner universities for the initial and final courses at Humboldt-Universität.


Required documents (in English):

  • Application form
  • Description of the research project (max. 3 pages)
  • CVs of the junior researchers involved
  • For project leaders with the status “PhD student”: Certificate of enrolment as a PhD student

Please submit the above mentioned documents to Aleksandra Laski ( in the CENTRAL-Network office by email (as one PDF document). Deadline: 21st July 2019

Extended deadline: 21st August 2019

Further information and documents

Ms. Katalin Öhler
International Strategy Office

T: 0036 1 411 6500/1385 (ext.)

Application form