ELTE sport compass for academic year 2020/2021 is here

ELTE sport compass for academic year 2020/2021 is here

Dou you like sports? Do you like staying fit despite studying all day? Then the ELTE sport compass is for you! Besides learning how to join sports you can also find a small map that helps you with the location of the sporting venues, a list of events and the different opportunities as not all the faculties are located at the same place. People with a disability are not forgotten, either, there are sporting opportunities organized with them in mind.

A very useful sport guide is also part of ELTE sport compass; all the available sports are listed in alphabetical order. A short description and the most important information about the course: when and where the course takes please, the contact person with contact information helps you to choose the most suitable one for you. Athletics, Table Tennis, Climbing, Belly dancing, Yoga, Hip-hop, Hiking, Kayak-canoe – just to a few from the 40 sports you can choose from. Most of them also have their social media listed, so you can follow your favorite sporting activity’s news even if you are not able to take part.

Here you can read through the ELTE sport compass: https://issuu.com/vivienfedasz/docs/elte-sport-compass-2020