Important message to administrative staff members

Dear Colleague,
In order to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, our most important task is to reduce the number of personal encounters. Therefore, in our university work, we create the conditions of distance learning – not only for the university, but in public education as well – and, at the same time, we change our processes of operation.
So far we have also been protecting our colleagues who are at increased risk, due to their age or health conditions, from the risks of community life. From this week on, a parent who cannot ensure the supervision of their child with an older sibling or other young adult, may take the opportunity of working remotely (home office). The absence of a parent who cannot work remotely due to their scope of activities and/or circumstances, is justified as well.
The agreement on remote working can be arranged electronically, simply discussing it with the supervisor. Colleagues working from home must strictly follow the instructions of the supervisor and communicate electronically or over the phone. Within a few days, we will organise our workflow processes in each area to limit the need of personal presence to the shortest possible amount of time.
We call the attention of all staff members that, based on the principle of solidarity with other colleagues or families whose health may be at risk, they might be requested to complete tasks that do not belong to their general activities but to which they possess required skills and knowledge. The University does not order any colleague to complete any kind of task that implies any risk to the colleague’s health, of course.
Tasks requiring personal presence cannot be completed by those who themselves have returned from abroad recently (within two weeks before the respective date), or those who live in the same household or have had personal contact with a person who have returned home from abroad within two weeks. This obligation is wider in scope than the rules of quarantine prescribed in epidemiological or other related official measures or regulations. Please strictly adhere to these as well in each case and cooperate with the responsible authorities.
Those whose personal presence is unavoidably necessary are allowed and, considering their private life as well, also requested to avoid peak time public transport risks, thus, to reschedule their daily traveling based on their own considerations.
We restrict access to our buildings in case of those who are not closely involved in core functions of operation (thus, for example, in case of food and parcel couriers). Please follow the orders regarding personal hygiene and common etiquette.
It is our duty as citizens and as public servants to help to slow down the public transmission of coronavirus by all available means, to constantly pay attention in the media to the state of governmental measures taken during the emergency situation, and to follow the tasks and actions ordered in these measures without arguments.
We appreciate the unprecedented collaboration, readiness to help and act, and the support we experience from our teachers, students and staff members. This shall give us all strength to tackle the tasks waiting for us.
Let’s keep in mind why we do it: “For one reason: to slow it down. Thus, we can save our parents, grandparents and sometimes ourselves as well.” – Professor Albert László Barabási
With kind regards,
ELTE Epidemiological Operative Coordinating Body