In the service of Student Mobility

In the service of Student Mobility
In light of the coronavirus pandemic, ELTE has awarded the winners of the "Best Erasmus+ Coordinator of ELTE" and the "Most Dynamically Developing ELTE Faculty in Erasmus+" prizes with online diplomas this year. The most successful coordinator in 2020 was Ms. Brigitta Dalnoki (Faculty of Law), while the Institute of Business Economics performed the best regarding the Erasmus+ mobility programme.

This year marks the third time that the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes announced a call for application for the prize of the best Erasmus+ coordinator and the most dynamically developing ELTE faculty in Erasmus+. The aim of the initiative is to support the Erasmus+ mobility activities of the ELTE faculties and Erasmus+ coordinators, helping to learn about scholarship opportunities abroad and to increase the number of outgoing students.

Traditionally, the Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes presents the awards at a ceremony with dinner – however, this could not take place due to the epidemiological situation this year. Imre Hamar, vice-rector for International Affairs, therefore congratulated the winners in an electronic form, thanking them for their outstanding work even in these difficult circumstances.

Regarding the faculties, the Institute of Business Economics has achieved the best result this year, where the number of outgoing students increased by 180% compared to last year, for which they received a success award of 3000 euros in the form of Erasmus+ faculty supplement. For the Institute of Business Economics, this was only their second year of participating in the Erasmus+ programme. However, thanks to the swift deployment of the Erasmus+ system and its dynamically developing network of high-quality partnerships,

the number of outgoing students is growing rapidly.

In the second place was the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education, who increased the number of outgoing students by 50% thanks to their promotional tools (photo exhibition, constantly updated Facebook page). Their prize was 2000 euros. In the third place of the category was the Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training Centre, where the number of outgoing students increased by 26% compared to last year's call for applications. They were awarded with 1000 euros. 

In the category of the best Erasmus+ coordinator of ELTE, Brigitta Dalnoki, outgoing student coordinator of the Faculty of Law, received the first place. She was granted the award for her excellent application and her commitment to the promotion of the Erasmus+ programme. Second place went to Gábor Szalkai, Erasmus+ coordinator of the Center of Geography, who earned the recognition for his outstanding commitment, developmental approach, and 18 years of work in the Erasmus+ programme. The third place was taken by Orsolya Szedmák, the coordinator of the Faculty of Science, for the stabilization of the faculty rules of the Erasmus+ programme, as well as for her active participation in concluding inter-institutional agreements, and expanding the faculty's partnerships. The winning coordinators received award money and additional contribution to an Erasmus+ staff mobility training fee.