
Introduction to health economics

Type of instruction






Recommended in

Semester 1

Typically offered in

Autumn semester

Course description

Students should learn basic terms of health economics and understand key principles. Topics cover the economic mechanisms of health care markets as market failures, supply and demand of health care, resource allocation principles, equity aspects of health care financing and delivery, and micro- and macro-dynamics of health expenditures. Analysis of demand and supply factors of health care expenditure, and methods of sustainable health care financing are discussed briefly.

  • Maynard A, Kanavos P: Health economics: an evolving paradigm. Health Economics 9: 183–190 (2000)
  • Brouwer W. B.F., Culyer A J, van Exel N. J. A. Rutten F. F.H. Welfarism vs. extra-welfarism. Journal of Health Economics 27 (2008) 325–338
  • Folland, Sherman; Goodman, Allen C.; Stano, Miron: The Economics of Health and Health Care (7th Edition) 2010,  Glossary
  • Donaldson C. and Gerard K. Economics of Health Care Financing: The Visible Hand. Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1993. Chapter 2
  • Ledyard, John O. "market failure." The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Second Edition. Eds. Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 
  • Dranove: Chapter 10. Health Care Markets Regulators and Certifiers. In Handbook of Health Economics Volume 2, Pages 1-1126 (2011) Edited by M. V. Pauly, T. G. McGuire and P. P. Barros. pg. 641-645
    Donaldson C. and Gerard K. Economics of Health Care Financing: The Visible Hand. Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1993. Chapter 3
  • James Gubb Oliver Meller-Herbert: Markets in health care - The theory behind the policy. Civitas 2009 pg. 15-45
  • Folland, Sherman; Goodman, Allen C.; Stano, Miron: The Economics of Health and Health Care (7th Edition) 2010, Chapter 8 pg 148-170, Chapter 10, Chapter 11 pg 210-212
  • Mandy Ryan: Agency in Health care. American Journal of Economics and Sociology Parts I-III, V.
  • G Fairfield, D Hunter, D Mechanic, R Dubos, F Rosleff. Managed care: origins, principles, and evolution. BMJ 1997;314:1823 (21 June)
  • Nick Black & Reinhold Gruen: Understanding Health Services. Chapter 8.: The need and demand for health care; Chapter 9.: The relationship between need and use; pg. 79-90. 
  • Health needs assessment: a Practical guide, NICE. 3. The five steps of health needs assessment, pg 20-53. 
  • Mocking R.: Supplier Induced Demand in the Dutch Hospital Sector. Thesis, Tilburg University (2011).
  • Suhrcke M, McKee M, Arce RS, Tsolova S, Mortensen J: The contribution of health to the economy in the European Union. European Communities, 2005 (19-25., 38-62., 74- 82.)
  • Wagstaff, A. and van Doorslaer,E.: Equity in the finance of health care: some international comparisons. Journal of Health Economics, 1992, 361-387.
  • Marc Suhrcke, Regina Sauto Arce, Martin McKee and Lorenzo Rocco: Economic costs of ill health in the European Region
  • Josep Figueras, Martin McKee, Suszy Lessof, Antonio Duran, Nata Menabde: Health systems, health and wealth: Assessing the case for investing in health systems
  • Suhrcke M, Arce RS, McKee M, Rocco L: Economic costs of ill health in the European Region. In: Suhrcke M, McKee M (eds.): Health Systems, Health, Wealth and Societal Well-being - Assessing the case for investing in health systems