Petra Bárd has been awarded the Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship

Petra Bárd has been awarded the Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship HU
Petra Bárd, Associate Professor at the Department of Criminology, has been awarded the prestigious Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship, and will conduct research at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence between September 2021 and June 2022.

During her fellowship she will explore how the principles of mutual recognition and mutual trust in the field of EU criminal justice are affected by the rule of law crises in some of the EU Member States. In her research she will put an emphasis on the role of courts at the different levels of the EU’s system of multi-level constitutionalism. Also, she will explore the limits of the judiciary in attaching consequences to rule of law backsliding and in preventing the proliferation of individual rights infringements, including violations of the right to a fair trial in cross-border criminal cases. 

During her stay at the EUI, she will be co-teaching two courses related to the rule of law.

Selected writings by Petra Bárd on the topic of her Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship: 

  • Ballegooij van, W. and P. Bárd, ‘Mutual recognition and individual rights, Did the court get it right?’, (2016) 7 New Journal of European Criminal Law 4, 439–464 
  • Bárd P., The European Arrest Warrant in Hungary (National Institute of Criminology, 2015) 
  • Bárd P., ‘Saving EU Criminal Justice. Proposal for EU-wide supervision of the rule of law and fundamental rights’, (2018) CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe  
  • Bárd P., Mentőöv az uniós büntető igazságszolgáltatásnak: a jogállamiság és az emberi jogok érvényesülésének felügyeletére irányuló javaslat, Miskolci Jogi Szemle, 2019, 2. különszám, 1. kötet, 63–72. o. 
  • Bárd P. and W. van Ballegooij, ‘Judicial independence as a pre-condition for mutual trust? The CJEU in Minister for Justice and Equalityv. LM’, (2018) 9 New Journal of European Criminal Law 3, 353–365 
  • Bárd P. and W. van Ballegooij, ‘The effect of CJEU case law concerning the rule of law and mutual trust on national systems’, in V. Mitsilegas, A. di Martino and L. Mancano (eds), The Court of Justice and European Criminal Law: Leading Cases in a Contextual Analysis (Hart, 2019), 455–467 
  • Bárd P., S. Carrera, E. Guild and D. Kochenov (with thematic contribution by W. Marneffe), An EU mechanism on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights (Center for European Policy Studies, 2016) 
  • Bárd P. and A. Śledzińska-Simon, ‘On the principle of irremovability of judges beyond age discrimination: Commission v. Poland’, (2020) 57 Common Market Law Review 5, 1555-1584 
  • Bárd P. and A. Śledzińska-Simon, ‘Rule of law infringement procedures– A proposal to extend the EU’s rule of law toolbox’, (2019)CEPS Papers in Liberty and Security in Europe 
  • Kochenov, D. and P. Bárd, ‘The Last Soldier Standing? Courts Versus Politicians and the Rule of Law Crisis in the New Member States of the EU’, (2019) 1 European Yearbook of Constitutional Law, 243–287 
  • Śledzińska-Simon, A. and P. Bárd, ‘The Teleos and the Anatomy of the Rule of Law in EU Infringement Procedures’, (2019) 11 Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 439–445

Source: ELTE ÁJK