Project Work
Semester 4
Spring semester
The aim of the course is to offer students the possibility to do intensive, tutored research in order to write a high quality MA thesis, based on well-designed and correctly executed empirical research. The actual topic and schedule of this practical course therefore is highly individualised according to the actual research focus and methodology.
Learning outcome, competences knowledge:
- learning how to do intensive, tutored research
- complex nature of the higher order cognitive mechanisms
- sensitivity to the methodological questions
- ability integrate the different theories related to conceptual representation
Learning activities, learning methods: The form of the course is a colloquium but the activity of the students is highly expected during the semester. The presentations made by the students about an important study of a field help them to be involved to the problems we discuss during the classes.
Evaluation of outcomes Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation:
- project work mode of evaluation: practical course mark
Up-to-date and available literature selected for the actual topic