
Qualitative Psychological Research Design and the Publication



Type of instruction




Part of degree program


Recommended in

Semester 1-4

Typically offered in

Autumn/Spring semester

Course description

The research design

  • Research design is defined as research question, defining the field and the sample, choosing the qualitative tradition, then the method selection, the principle of circular research;
  • Work in the field (observation, participant observation, interviews) other methods: interview (narrative and semi-structured), focus groups, clinical research);
  • Roles and identities of the researcher in the field;
  • Qualitative research of multimodal texts (online and offline opportunities);
  • Based on a sample selection of qualitative research: the snowball method, privileged access, targeted and based on quota sampling.

Whenever possible, the student's own experiences are used. This research is the foundation of the next step: qualitative data’s analysis and interpretation.

Qualitative psychological data processing

  • From field text to research text: memos and coding options;
  • Basics of text linguistics;
  • Grounded Theory;
  • Interpretative phenomenological analysis;
  • Heuristic data collection and analysis;
  • Narrative inquiry. Case studies based on different theories (pilot study's).

Publishing qualitative psychological studies

  • Question of authorship, author and reader relationship;
  • Publication: requirements of qualitative psychological research journals, mainly on quotes and codes.
  • Denzin N K and Lincoln Y S (szerk.)(2011): Handbook of qualitative research. 4th edition. Sage, Thousan Oak.
  • Willig C and Stainton-Rogers W (2013): The SAGE handbook of qualitative research in psychology. Sage, London.
  • Bryant A and Charmaz K (2007): The SAGE handbook of Grounded Theory. Sage, London.
  • Smith JA, Flowers P and Larkin M (2009): Interpretative phenomenological analysis. Theory, method and research. Sage, London.