
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Addiction Research: Qualitative Drug Research



Type of instruction




Part of degree program


Recommended in

Semester 1-4

Typically offered in

Autumn/Spring semester

Course description

Main theories of qualitative approach: characteristics of paradigmatic and narrative thinking (Bruner), concept of the hermeneutic circle (epistemology basis). Methods of qualitative surveys in practice: the fieldwork (observation, participant observation, interviews, focus groups, clinical research), roles and identities in the field, qualitative research of multimodal texts (online and offline options). Analysis of qualitative data: from the field text to the research text: coding options; analysis of the parallel layers of text from the narrative perspective (primarily based on the questions of perspective, modality and authorship). Possibilities of applying the Grounded Theory. Reporting and presentation of qualitative data: relation of author and reader; presenting the quantitative data gained from qualitative studies. Publication criteria of journals presenting qualitative studies; especially concerning quotations from research texts. Review of current articles on addictions and qualitative studies.

  • Denzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.) (2011). Handbook of qualitative research. 4th edition, Sage, Thousan Oak. 
  • Fountain, J., Hartnoll, R., Olszewski, D., Vicente, J., Greennwood, G., Robertson, K. (Eds.) (2000). Understanding and responding to drug use: the role of qualitative research. EMCDDA Scientifi c Monograph Series, No. 4, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
  • Willig C and Stainton-Rogers W (eds.)(2013): The Sage handbook of qualitative research in psychology, Sage, London.