
Research Methods in Clinical Psychology: Qualitative Psychology Research Design and the Publication of Results



Type of instruction




Part of degree program


Recommended in

Semester 1-4

Typically offered in

Autumn/Spring semester

Course description

Definition of the research design: the research question, definition of the field or the sample, selecting the proper method/method combination or sample, theory of circulation in the process of data gathering; b.fieldwork (observation, participant observation, interview), other methods: interview (narrative and semi-structured), focal group, clinical studies; c. roles and identities in the fieldwork; d. qualitative study of multimodal texts (online and offline possibilities); e. qualitative studies based on special sampling techniques: snowball, privilegized access, targeted sampling and sample based on quotas.
Student should have their own experiences and they should have them in a written form. This is the basis of the next chapter: analysis of qualitative data.
Analysis of qualitative psychological data

  • a. from field texts to study texts: memos and coding
  • b. basic corpus language concepts
  • c.cGrounded Theory; d. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis; e. heuristic data gathering and analysis
  • f. narrative analysis
  • g. CAQDAS: computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software: an introduction. Pilot studies based on different methods and theoretical approaches

Qualitative psychological paper

  • a. question of authorship, relationship between author and reader
  • b. presentation of qualitative data
  • c. publication: expectations of journals publishing qualitative psychological studies, especially the problems of citations and coding
  • Charmac KC (2006): Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide through Qualitative Analysis. Sage, London.
  • Denzin N K and Lincoln Y S (eds.)(2013): Handbook of qualitative research. Sage, Thousan Oak.
  • Geertz C (1990): Works and Lives: The Anthropologist As Author. Stanford University Press, Palo Alto.
  • Smith J A (Ed.) (2008): Qualitative Psychology. A Practical Guide to Research Methods. Second Edition. SAGE, Los Angeles.
  • Willig C and Stainton-Rogers W (Eds.) (2008): The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology. Sage, Los Angeles.