The winner of the Korean speech contest can attend the International Summer School Of Dankook University

The winner of the Korean speech contest can attend the International Summer School Of Dankook University
At the Korean speech contest held last November, Juhász Evelin, the student of the ELTE Department of Korean Studies won the first place. As a result, she can attend the International Summer School Of Dankook University during the summer of 2023.

The event was attended by Park Chul Min, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Budapest, and Kim Soo Bok, Rector of Dankook University. Here students of the ELTE Korean Department and the Sejong Institute were able to present their knowledge and their ability to hold presentations in Korean. At the end of the tight contest, Evelin Juhász, a student at the ELTE Korean Department, received the first prize.

Evelin Juhász was given the opportunity to attend the International Summer School at Dankook University in the summer of 2023, which is held in the Republic of Korea. Here, the winner can choose between the Academic Program and the Korean Immersion Program offered by the university.

During the four-week duration of the Academic program, participants can attend to lectures in English, presented by international lecturers and teachers of Dankook University. Within the framework of the three-week Korean Imersion program, they can take part in an intensive Korean language course and various activities which will help them to immerse themselves in the Korean culture.