ExchangeAbility Project

ExchangeAbility Project

ExchangeAbility Project

According to the data from the European Commission, there is a very low participation of students with special needs in the Erasmus mobility and, more in general, in exchange opportunities.

A consortium composed by UNICA, ESN, ErasmusHogeschool Brussel, University of Cyprus, Tallinn University of Technology, Eötvös Lorand University Budapest, Comenius University Bratislava set up a project that aimed to enable students with disabilities to participate more fully in exchange programmes.

The idea was to stimulate the mobility of students with disabilities by organising site visits to the five European universities. The visits were organised by the partner universities with the cooperation and involvement of the ‘ExchangeAbility Ambassadors’ (students with disabilities) from both welcoming and sending universities.

A grant for the project was approved by the European Commission (call DG EAC/41/09) in the framework of the "Lifelong Learning Programme", action "Erasmus Accompanying Measures".

If you are interested, please watch these short videos.

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