Fee and refund

Fee and refund

On this page you can find information related to fees and payment


Course fee per one- week course is 470 EUR. To ensure your place, you are required to pay 70 EUR (out of this 470) as registration fee within 10 days of submitting your application.

Early bird registration: until 10th of February, Early bird course fee: 380 EUR (Registration fee is the same: 70 EUR out of 380 EUR)

Not included in the fee: travel and visa costs, health insurance, dinners, personal expenses

For your safety please have a health insurance for the period of your stay.

Please note:

  • registration fee is non-refundable
  • classes can start only with the minimum number of 6 students

Deadline of the transfer: within 10 working days from your application. In the comment field of your payment please indicate the following:


Once you have transferred the fee, please send us the copy of your receipt of payment (scanned version or pdf file) to: budapestsummer@elte.hu

Bank transfer data:

Recipient: Eotvos Lorand University
Name of the bank: Hungarian State Treasury Ltd.
Postal Address of the bank: Váci str. 71., 1139 Budapest, Hungary
Bank account no: 10032000-01426201-00000000
IBAN no.: HU03 1003 2000 0142 6201 0000 0000
Swift code: HUSTHUHB
VAT-Nr.: HU 1530 8744

To complete your registration, you need to transfer the remaining 400 EUR within 30 days from submitting your application. Obviously, you can choose to pay the whole amount at once.

Refund: You are entitled to have a refund of 400 EUR out of your 470 EUR course fee if- for any reason- you are unable to attend the chosen course. In case we cancel the course, you are entitled to have the refund of the whole amount (together with the registration fee).

Only for ELTE students: 180 EUR (no registration fee), the fee has to be paid until 3rd of May, otherwise we cannot consider your application.

TWO- WEEK Courses

Course fee per two- week course is 750 EUR. To ensure your place, you are required to pay 100 EUR (out of this 750) as registration fee within 10 days of submitting your application.

Early bird registration: 10th of February, Early bird course fee: 650 EUR

Not included in the fee: travel and visa costs, health insurance, dinners, personal expenses

For your safety please have a health insurance for the period of your stay.

Please note:

  • registration fee is non-refundable
  • classes can start only with the minimum number of 6 students

Deadline of the transfer: within 10 working days from your application.

Please note:

  • registration fee is non-refundable
  • classes can start only with the minimum number of 6 students

Deadline of the transfer: within 10 working days from your application. In the comment field of your payment please indicate the following:


Once you have transferred the fee, please send us the copy of your receipt of payment (scanned version or pdf file) to: budapestsummer@elte.hu

Bank transfer data:

Recipient: Eotvos Lorand University
Name of the bank: Hungarian State Treasury Ltd.
Postal Address of the bank: Váci str. 71., 1139 Budapest, Hungary
Bank account no: 10032000-01426201-00000000
IBAN no.: HU03 1003 2000 0142 6201 0000 0000
Swift code: HUSTHUHB
VAT-Nr.: HU 1530 8744

To complete your registration, you need to transfer the remaining 650 EUR within 30 days from submitting your application. Obviously, you can choose to pay the whole amount at once.

Refund: You are entitled to have a refund of 650 EUR out of your 750 EUR course fee if- for any reason- you are unable to attend the chosen course. In case we cancel the course, you are entitled to have the refund of the whole amount (together with the registration fee).

Only for ELTE students: 350 EUR (no registration fee), the fee has to be paid until 3rd of May, otherwise we cannot to consider your application.