Mohammad Nawaz

Mohammad Nawaz

Study program: International Relations BA

Country: Pakistan

Period of studies at ELTE: 2020.09.01 - 2023.06.30

"ELTE offers the widest range of higher education courses in Hungary. "

What stood out to you about ELTE?

ELTE offers the widest range of higher education courses in Hungary. The more interesting fact is that these study programs are available in many foreign languages. ELTE is unique in the sense that it has a diverse international student community which is not a common scene in other universities in the country and that is exactly what I need as a student of social sciences. In addition to this, ELTE is home to highly qualified professors and a cooperative administrative body.

What makes studying at ELTE so great?

Studying in an efficient and intriguing curriculum under the supervision of highly qualified professors is a dream come true for me. The diverse class environment makes complex and dry topics more interesting. Moreover, socializing with local and international students adds more color to your life. The university also invests in your career by providing free skill development trainings throughout the study programmes.

What are / were your challenges in your study program?

As a transfer student, the curriculum that I follow at ELTE in International Relations is a more challenging and demanding than the curriculum that I followed at my previous university.

How did you overcome these challenges?

The demanding nature of my curriculum helped me learn better and achieve more. The more challenging your task becomes the more interesting it is to complete it.

How would you describe ELTE in three words?


How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?

I chose social sciences to have a better understanding of the different aspects of our society. I want to be aware of the side of our society which requires our attention and devotion which will help me become a torchbearer of egalitarianism and humanitarianism. I highly expect that my degree in International Relations at ELTE will serve my life purpose in the future. Moreover, with this degree I can be part of different international organizations that are working for the welfare of human beings. These organizations will serve as important platforms for me to make a difference in the lives of people.

Do you have any recommendations for future students at ELTE?

As ELTE offers a wide range of fields of study. I would suggest future students of ELTE to carefully consider their decision when choosing their study programme. I would recommend prospective students to explore the teaching methods, campus environment and exam systems at the faculty of their choice. Other than that, they can trust ELTE with what they deliver.