Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility: After the mobility


The guide below provides information for students who have been awarded an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility scholarship to close partner countries (e.g. the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Gibraltar) and distant partner countries (e.g. the Republic of Korea, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia). 


By submitting the Erasmus+ closing documents, the student fulfils the obligations laid down in the Grant Agreement and, in case of a study mobility, initiates the payment of the remaining grant.


The listed documents should be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days from the last day of the mobility period to If you cannot meet this deadline through no fault of your own, please inform us about it.

The documents listed below should be sent electronically by each student to their faculty coordinator.

1. Transcript of Records/Traineeship Certificate, which includes all courses taken by the student at the host institution and their credit value, as well as the student's professional activities, and the signature/stamp of the host institution, etc.

2. Certificate of Attendance: Document certifying the duration of the physical mobility (Learning Agreement After the Mobility section or the Transcript of Records/Traineeship Certificate or other authenticated certificate of attendance may be accepted).

3. An email confirming completion of the EU survey.

Attention! For technical reasons, you may receive an invitation to the EU survey with a significant delay after the mobility has ended. Please send your closing documents without submitting the survey. Please note, however, that you are obliged to fill in the questionnaire afterwards, otherwise you will have to repay your grant.

4. Proof of green travel: If you have been awarded a green travel additional support, you must keep your travel documents and send them to your faculty coordinator to prove the green travel at the end of your mobility. Please therefore take care of the tickets used during the journey. Possible forms of proof:

  • travel documents (travel tickets - e.g. bus tickets, train tickets) containing the name of the traveler, the dates of the journey and the destinations.
  • if you do not have the tickets (e.g. you traveled by carsharing, car-pooling, train ticket without a name), you are required to submit a legal liability form signed with a pen and scanned.


It is possible to change the bank account number that you previously provided. In this case the modification of your Grant Agreement is required. Please notify us about bank account changes at when you send us your mobility closing documentation.

Attention! In case of student mobilities for studies, according to point 4.3 of the Grant Agreement, the second part of the Erasmus+ grant can only be transferred if you have fulfilled your obligations during the mobility, as indicated in point 2 of the Credit Recognition Procedure.

If the duration of the mobility is shorter than indicated in the Grant Agreement, the amount of scholarship will be recalculated to the shorter duration at the end of the mobility and the student will have to reimburse the difference if it is not covered by the 10% remaining stipend to be transferred at the end of the mobility.

In the case of study abroad mobility, if the minimum credit requirement is not met, the student is entitled only to the credit-proportionate part of the scholarship amount. The credit rate of the scholarship is calculated by dividing the total amount of the scholarship by the minimum of 20 credits to be completed. The final amount of the scholarship will be reduced by the number of credits not completed multiplied by the number of credits. The determination of the completed credits is based on the Transcript of Records issued by the host institution. However, the student may request to be exempted from the repayment of the grant due to uncompleted credits in justified cases. To do so, they must submit a request to the faculty, describing in detail what prevented them from obtaining the required number of credits. Please contact your faculty coordinator for details.