During the mobility

During the mobility


Updated: 31st of May 2023

Please note that one of the basic conditions of the Erasmus scholarship is that the student has an active student status during the scholarship period in Hungary (it does not apply to students participating in traineeship after graduation). Please declare your active status in Neptun as usual (if you extend your Erasmus scholarship for the next semester, you will also need to activate that semester). If you have missed this, report it urgently to the faculty student administration. Passive students are not eligible for an Erasmus scholarship, failure to declare the active students status will result in a refund of the full amount of the grant awarded.


  1. Certificate of arrival/Registration (signed by the receiving faculty coordinator/supervisor), within 30 days after arrival.
  2. Learning Agreement (LA) – "During the mobility" section if there are any changes to the Before the mobility section. Must be signed by all three parties. Please, for the sake of readability, fill out the document by using a text editing program and not by handwriting!
    • Study abroad:
      • Based on the general credit recognition procedure the student indicates any necessary changes to the LA in the “During the Mobility” section of the document according to the final list of courses taken at the host institution. The “During the Mobility” section of the LA must be handed in by everyone who has made changes to the courses listed in the “Before the Mobility” section of the LA. Only deleted or added courses should be indicated in the document. The deadline for finalising the course list and submitting the document is 30 November for the autumn semester and 30 April for the spring semester. More information is available here.
      • Should be filled by the Online Learning Agreement (if the "Before the Mobility" section was signed electronically by all three parties through the platform), in particularly justified cases on paper: During the mobility - for studies
    • Traineeship (if necessary): The "During the Mobility" section of the LA is currently not available for traineeships, therefore students are kindly requested to complete a paper version of the During the mobility - for traineeships document, if necessary. To be submitted within 2 weeks of the change in your mobility.
  3. Course equivalence form - for study abroad mobility
    • The annex to the “During the Mobility” (or in the absence of change, “Before the Mobility") section of the LA. Every student on a study abroad mobility is required to submit this document.
    • The deadline for submitting the document is 30 November for the autumn semester and 30 April for the spring semester. More information is available here.

Besides the active student status we also recommend (does not apply to students participating in traineeship after graduation) to check whether your Erasmus+ status has been set up in Neptun. If not, notify your faculty coordinator. (The status is set by the Faculty Student Administration Office on the basis of a list submitted by the faculty Erasmus+ coordinator).
This is important because: 

  • facilitates the Erasmus credit recognition procedure
  • students with Erasmus status are granted exemption from the performance based reallocation process;
  • in case of credit exceedance no tuition fee should be paid after credits completed during the Erasmus period.



It is possible to change the bank account number (for example, in case of a newly opened bank account to which you would like to receive the second instalment of your scholarship).

For this, you must fill in the relevant part (bank account data) of the GRANT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT FORM (available after ELTE login) completely and correctly.

Please submit this form no later than your closing documents.


We would like to draw attention to the fact that currently only 1 semester per mobility of studies, and only max. 5 months of traineeship can be supported, so it is not possible to extend the awarded Erasmus+ mobility

Cases exempted from the prohibition of extension:

  1. The relevant semester of a study abroad mobility is prolonged (e.g. due to a prolonged examination period)

If you need to stay longer than the end date of your study abroad mobility specified in the grant agreement, you can extend your mobility (by at least 5 days) until the last day of the final exam in the relevant semester. Please notify your faculty coordinator of your request to extend your mobility by e-mail, indicating the new end date. After receiving their approval, follow the documentation for the extension of the mobility period in section C.

When is the scholarship transferred for the extended period? 

If the duration of the extension is less than 15 days, you will receive the additional grant at the end of your mobility, together with your second instalment. If the extension is for 15 days or more, you can request the initiation of the transfer process by sending your authenticated Grant Agreement Amendment via e-mail, as detailed in section C.

In the latter case, payment is expected within 4 weeks of the receipt of the authenticated Grant Agreement Amendment.

Does the extended scholarship amount include the additional financial support (students with fewer opportunities or disabilities or long-term illnesses)?

You are automatically entitled to receive the previously awarded additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities and for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses (€250 per month) for the extended period too, provided that the settlement method for the awarded method is non-itemised.

For more information, please write to erasmus.out@dep.elte.hu!

2. Extension of stay without grant (zero grant extension)

In the case a student is willing to stay at the receiving institution beyond the period covered in the Grant Agreement at their own expense, their Erasmus status can be extended but with no scholarship attached to the extended period (’zero grant status’). Please notify your faculty coordinator of your intention by e-mail and, after receiving their approval, follow the documentation for the extension of the mobility period in section C.

Minimum physical duration of the extension is 1 month (30 days).

C) Documentation for the extension of the MOBILITY PERIOD

Attention! Please follow the documentation below if you have sent your extension request to your faculty coordinator on the basis of the criteria indicated in section B and have received their approval.

1. LEARNING AGREEMENT (LA) "During the mobility" section

Required only for zero grant extension!

  • Study abroad: Should be filled by the Online Learning Agreement (if the "Before the Mobility" section was signed electronically by all three parties through the platform), in particularly justified cases on paper: During the mobility - for studies
  • Traineeship: The "During the Mobility" section of the LA is currently not available for traineeships, therefore students are kindly requested to complete a paper version of the During the mobility - for traineeships document, if necessary.

How to fill it? The LA During the mobility section must be completed according to the same principles as the LA Before the mobility document. As the document is used to report changes for the entire period, there is no need to indicate the deletion of items in the first semester, only the addition of items taken in the second semester. The document must be signed by all three parties. Please, for the sake of readability, fill out the document by using a text editing program and not by handwriting!


The form can be reached after ELTE login here.

Parts of the form:
a) basic data required for identification
b) data required to change the bank account number
c) data required to the preparation of the Contract Amendment for the extended period

How to fill it?
a) providing the basic data required for identification is compulsory!

b) data required to change the bank account number

  • Need to be filled only in case of changing your bank account number. Not relevant in the case of zero grant extension.
  • All fields need to be filled.

c) data required to the preparation of the Contract Amendment for the extended period

  • The start date cannot be later than the start date in the original Grant Agreement. Only enter a date earlier than the original date if you have actually started the mobility earlier, and this will be confirmed by the host institution at the end of the mobility.
  • The end date should be the end date of the extended period. 

HOW TO SUBMIT THE documentation for the extension of the MOBILITY PERIOD 

The form must be finalized electronically with the "Submit" button.
If you wish to correct / modify something in the data provided on the form afterwards, please inform us by e-mail at erasmus.out@dep.elte.hu, DO NOT fill in the form again!

In the case of zero grant extension: A pdf version of the Online Learning Agreement During the Mobility part signed by all three parties should be sent by e-mail to the faculty coordinator. 

The pdf version of the Grant Agreement Amendment will be sent to all students by emai after the Learning Agreement During the mobility has been approved by the faculty coordinator and forwarded to Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes (ENPO), based on the information submitted on the form. Please read the Amendment carefully and check if all data is correct.

If you find everything correct and you have access to "Client Gate" („Ügyfélkapu”), which is a Gateway to the e-Government of Hungary:

  • Open the following website: https://magyarorszag.hu/szuf_avdh_feltoltes. Click on the EN icon in the upper right-hand corner for English. Click on “Login” then “Basic authentication”, and type in your Client Gate username and password to log in.
  • Upload your Grant Agreement Amendment for authentication – your Client Gate authentication will be your signature on the document.
  • Download your authenticated Grant Agreement Amendment in a pdf format and send it to erasmus.out@dep.elte.hu. This way, you will not need to print, sign, and send a hard copy of the Amendment.