FAQ for visa matters

Updated: 09.12.2024

What is the difference between a visa and a residence permit?

  • The visa is a travel document. The residence permit visa (D-visa) can be issued for a maximum of 3 months, and one can enter Hungary with it only once. If one does not arrive in Hungary while the visa is valid, the residence permit that is issued along with the visa will be automatically canceled by the authorities. 
  • The residence permit is a residency document. A residence permit is a document that allows a foreign national to reside legally in a country for an extended period of time. The residence permit for the purpose of studies is given for a maximum of 3 years and it is extendible.

Where and how can I get my residence permit for the purpose of studies?

  • All residence permits for the purpose of studies are sent to the address of the university by post. You can receive your residence permit at the ELTE Quaestura Office, shortly after it arrives. Please wait for a notification from the Quaestura with the time and place to receive your card.
  • After the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing sends out the positive decision, it takes 2-3 weeks for the permit to be manufactured and sent to the university. The colleagues of the Quaestura Office notify the student within a day when the permit arrives, there is no need to contact them beforehand.

Can I enter Hungary with a tourist (C type) visa and apply for a residence permit after my arrival?

  • It is not possible to submit a residence permit for the purpose of studies application for a student staying in Hungary with a tourist visa. It is not possible to submit any request of equity.

What are the insurance requirements?

  • To get a residence permit in Hungary, you need fully comprehensive health insurance. You can find more relevant information through the following link.

How much money should I have on my bank account when I apply for the residence permit?

  • There is no fix amount that you need to have, but it has to be enough to support you during your studies, usually the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing will count with 6-12 months. Make sure that you have enough money for several months or that you receive an amount to your account regularly that is enough to support you.

Do I have to pay the tuition fee before I apply for a visa/residence permit?

  • Yes. The tuition fee must be paid for the next semester when applying for the visa/residence permit/extension of residence permit. If the payment is not possible yet at the time due to the faculty's payment schedule, the student should ask the faculty coordinator for a letter stating the earliest possible date of the tuition fee payment.

When do I need to find accommodation?

  • To apply for a residence permit, you need to submit documents proving that you already have accommodation in Hungary. Therefore, it's important that if you are coming from a country that is under visa obligations, before applying for the visa, you should have accommodation that you can officially verify.

What kind of documents should I submit to prove that I have accommodation?

  • 1. Proof of accommodation, which can be:

    • Dormitory certificate (stamped and signed by the management); or
    • Proof of student hostel (stamped and signed by the management); or
    • Lease contract, which should contain your and your landlord’s personal data (ID Card / Passport number, mother’s maiden name), the exact address (postal code, city, street/square/road, house number, floor number, door number, and ideally the parcel number of the apartment), period of stay (definite/indefinite time) and signatures of two witnesses.
  • 2. Completed “Notification of Accommodation” form

    • Please download and print the form, then fill it and ask your dormitory/landlord/agent to sign it before you upload it!

What is an address card and how can I get it?

  • The QR code received upon accommodation registration has the function of an address card.  It has to be available at all times and be presented to the authorities if requested. You will receive your QR code "address card" in pdf format via e-mail or in your Enter Hungary inbox. In case of applications through an embassy/consulate, the QR code should be provided alongside a "Tájékoztatás" document (proving that the applicatoin has been accepted) by the embassy/consulate.

What documents should I always have with me?

  • The residence permit is only valid together with your address card (QR code) and your passport, therefore, always have these 3 documents with you.

When should I apply for extension after I graduated and got admitted to a higher level study program (masters or PhD)?

  • You have to start the application no later than 45 days prior to the expiration of your residence permit. Officially you have to certify your admission with a Letter of Acceptance from the university. However, due to the lack of time - and the previously mentioned application period - we recommend you to upload a document to the „Optional documents” section - instead of the letter of acceptance - in which you explain that you are waiting for the Letter of Acceptance document from the university and you will upload it as soon as you receive it.

Can I travel home during the summer season?

  • Yes, you can travel home during the summer season, after you finished your semester (this includes the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders too). However, always make sure that your residence permit is valid throughout the summer break, or if you submit an extension application, wait until the new card arrives.

Can I travel abroad with a temporary residence permit?

  • No, you cannot travel abroad with a temporary residence permit (ideiglenes tartózkodási igazolás - ITI). The document only ensures your legal stay in Hungary until you receive your residence permit for the purpose of studies. If you leave Hungary with a temporary residence permit, you need to submit your permit at the border and you will not be able to return without it.

Can I travel in the EU before I get my first Hungarian residence permit?

  • No. Please wait until your residence permit card arrives, because if you leave the country, you will not be able to return to Hungary without it.

If I have passive student status, is my permit still valid till the expiry date?

  • The residence permit for the purpose of studies is for study purposes, which requires active student status. This means that if you passivate your student status, your residence permit automatically ceases and gets invalidated by the authorities. If you are not eligible for another type of residence permit during your passive semester(s), you need to leave Hungary.

Can I use my visa if the residence permit is invalid? Can I use a visa more than one time?

  • If you passivate your student status, your residence permit automatically ceases and gets invalidated by the authorities along with the D-visa.
  • With the residence permit visa (D-visa), you can enter Hungary only once and you are allowed to stay in Hungary with this document for the duration of its validity. The visa is valid for maximum 3 months from the date of issuance.

When should I apply for visa and residence permit?

  • We recommend applying as soon as possible, after you received your Letter of Acceptance, paid the tuition fee (if you are a self-funded student) and gathered all the necessary documents.

Can I work during my studies?

  • Third-country nationals holding a residence permit for the purpose of studies may engage in employment during their study period for maximum thirty hours weekly, and outside their study period full-time for a maximum period of ninety days in a year.

Can I switch from a residence permit for the purpose of employment to a res. perm. for the purpose of studies?

  • If the res. perm. for the purpose of employment expires or gets terminated, or the student holding it wishes to switch to a res. perm. for the purpose of studies, special rules may apply. Non-EEA students without a visa-waiver passport cannot apply for a res. perm. for the purpose of studies from within Hungary, as they need to travel home and apply for the permit through a Hungarian consulate/embassy, even if they have/had a valid res. perm. for the purpose of employment. If the non-EEA student has a visa-waiver passport, they can use their visa-free days to apply for a res. perm. for the purpose of studies from Hungary without traveling home.

  • It is worthy to mention that a res. perm. for the purpose of employment is invalidated if the student no longer works at the same company, whereas a res. perm. for the purpose of studies remains valid as long as one has an active semester. However, a res. perm. for the purpose of studies is invalidated if you have a passive semester, whereas a res. perm. for the purpose of employment is only tied to the work status, and the student status does not affect it.

  • To conclude, students are generally advised to have a residence permit for the purpose of studies, as it usually provides more flexibility and can be safer for students. It also allows students to work (see the previous answer). Nevertheless, students wishing to work full-time may continue studying at ELTE with a res. perm. for the purpose of employment without changing their permits in case it suits them better than a res. perm. for the purpose of studies.

Is it possible for my family members to obtain a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification?

  • A third-country national holding or applying for a residence permit for the purpose of studies shall not be granted a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification.

Do I need an invitation letter to host my family/friends in Hungary?

  • The invitation letter document no longer exists. It is not necessary to get a C-visa, therefore the university cannot issue such a document. However, the faculties can issue certificates about the dates of graduation ceremonies.