Before you apply

CEEPUS - Before you apply

Submission deadlines for CEEPUS mobility applications (the same each year):
- network mobility for the winter/first semester: 15th June 
- network mobility for the summer/second semester: 31st October
- freemover mobility: 30th November

You can find the current call for application here.
You can submit your application here.

I. Who should I contact?

  • Questions regarding CEEPUS application (general information, technical difficulties, attachments): administrators of the Tempus Public Foundation/Hungarian National CEEPUS Office (
  • With specific questions regarding Eötvös Loránd University, available places or Freemover mobility: Ms. Orsolya Pósch, institutional CEEPUS coordinator,
  • Educational issues (e.g. recognition) are to be discussed with the Faculty and Network/Academic Coordinators (2022/23, 2023/24) . Contacts are also available here.

II. Eligibility

Students of ELTE can apply.

Further conditions:

  • To be a citizen of a CEEPUS member state (or of an EU/EWR state respectively). Students who do not have the citizenship of a CEEPUS member state need to upload an „equal status document" that proves their status at the home institution (e.g. Certificate of Enrolment in English).
  • For students, to have 2 completed semesters until the mobility period, and active student status at the home university during the mobility period
  • It is not allowed to submit an application to the country of citizenship and to the country of residence.
  • It is not allowed to receive a second mobility scholarship from other sources, to cover costs for the same mobility activity, destination and time period (avoiding double financing), therefore:

Students studying in Hungary in the framework of Stipendium Hungaricum programme are:

  • eligible to apply for
    • Short term student mobility (ST) for a maximum of 30 days
    • Short term excursion (STE) for a maximum of 30 days
  • not eligible to apply for
    • Student mobility (S)
    • Short term student mobility (ST) longer than 30 days

based on the operational regulations (version 25.07.2023) of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme.

III. Types of application procedures and requirements

A) Available scholarship (application) types

1. Within a CEEPUS network

If your home institution is part of a CEEPUS network that has a relevant scientific topic for you, you can submit your application within that network. The call for applications will be published by your home institution and the local network coordinator carries out the selection procedure.
You can find the current call for application here.
For more information about our networks, please visit the official website of CEEPUS.

2. As Freemover

If your home institution is not part of a CEEPUS network that has a relevant scientific topic for you, you can choose to submit a Freemover application. Freemover applications can be financed only when the CEEPUS networks did not use their quota and there are still free scholarship months. Therefore, this option is usually available for the second semester. For the first semester, a limited number of Freemover scholarships are available in some of the CEEPUS countries of which the National CEEPUS Office publishes information on their website at the beginning of summer. 
You can find the current call for application here.

B) Types of mobility

1. Student mobility (S):

  • Eligible applicants: Bachelor, Master and PhD students
  • Length of mobility: 1 semester or trimester, 3-5 months (Minimum duration of mobility period: full months +16 days for the last month)
  • Activity during the mobility period: attending lectures and seminars, obtaining credits is obligatory, which can be supplemented with an internship. The proposed activities should be described in the ’Motivation’ part of the application.
  • Learning Agreement is highly recommended.
  • Student mobilities can be submitted in a network or as Freemover applications.

2. Short term student mobility (ST):

  • Eligible applicants: Bachelor, Master students who are currently working on their thesis and PhD students
  • Length of mobility: 1-2 months (min. 21 days)
  • Activity during the mobility period: obligatory research activity, consultation, laboratory project relating to the thesis/dissertation. The proposed activities should be described in the „Motivation” part of the application.
  • Student mobilities can be submitted in a network or as Freemover applications.

3. Short term excursion (STE):

  • Eligible applicants: Bachelor, Master and PhD students
  • Length of mobility: 3-5 days
  • Activity during the mobility period: participating in an excursion organised by the host institutions’ coordinator.
  • Short term excursion applications can only be submitted within a CEEPUS network.

IV. Where should I start?

A) Network Mobility

You can find information about the CEEPUS networks of ELTE and places available at the call for application.

For more information, please contact the academic/network coordinators  (2023/24).

B) Freemover mobility

You can search for institutions with CEEPUS activity here, with two sorting options: by university or by network (subject field).

You can submit multiple applications to different universities at the same time. If more than one application is awarded for the same activity/time period, you need to choose one and withdraw from the others.

Regarding free scholarship months and the possibility for Freemover applications, please contact the host National CEEPUS Office. You can find their contacts here.

Due to the limited number of Freemover scholarship months, applicants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Consequently, once you have the university of your choice, we advise you to contact them as soon as possible, attaching your Letter of Acceptance (the blanket is available at

1. By University / Academic Year / choosing your country of preference

With this option, you can view all institutions of a country with CEEPUS activity in thr drop-down list, to whom you can submit a Freemover application. If you select one, you can see the networks that the institution participates in. By clicking on a network, you can see the university’s contacts in that subject area.

Please note that the aforementioned contact information is limited to the CEEPUS networks, therefore, as a Freemover, you also need to consult the website of the selected university for information on whom to contact regarding your Letter of Acceptance, and the course list for exchange students (in English, German or French). In most cases, Erasmus+ coordinators also handle CEEPUS mobilities.

As a Freemover, you are responsible for preparing your course list. In CEEPUS, there is no minimum ECTS expectation for students studying abroad, therefore students are not obligated to repay their CEEPUS scholarship when they fail to fulfill their studies abroad. However, in the case of student (full semester) mobility, we advise you to take courses at the host institution for at least 20 ECTS, which will be recognised by your sending department at ELTE, in order to avoid double workload. Regarding your planned studies and the recognition process, please contact your faculty coordinator. You can use the Learning Agreement form of the Erasmus+ programme for recognition.

2. By Network / Academic Year – you can view all networks/subject areas in the drop-down list

If you are uncertain which university to select, you can use the networks, to find an institution that offers subject fields/courses relevant to your studies. By clicking on a network, you can see the participating universities and their contacts.

Please note that the aforementioned contact information is limited to the CEEPUS networks, therefore, as a Freemover, you also need to consult the website of the selected university for information on whom to contact regarding your Letter of Acceptance, and the course list for exchange students (in English, German or French). In most cases, Erasmus+ coordinators also handle CEEPUS mobilities.

As a Freemover, you are responsible for preparing your course list. In CEEPUS, there is no minimum ECTS expectation for students studying abroad, therefore students are not obligated to repay their CEEPUS scholarship when they fail to fulfill their studies abroad. However, in the case of student (full semester) mobility, we advise you to take courses at the host institution for at least 20 ECTS, which will be recognised by your sending department at ELTE, in order to avoid double workload. Regarding your planned studies and the recognition process, please contact your faculty coordinator. You can use the Learning Agreement form of the Erasmus+ programme for recognition purposes.

V. Planning your studies

HEIs participating in the CEEPUS programme are committed to the recognition of studies abroad, and they have an ECTS compatible credit system, facilitating credit recognition.

In CEEPUS, there is no minimum ECTS requirement (number of completed credits at the host institution) for students studying abroad. However, in the case of student (full semester) mobility, we advise you to take courses at the host institution for at least 20 ECTS, which are connected to your degree programme and will be recognised by your sending department at ELTE, in order to avoid double workload.

There is no form for credit recognition in the CEEPUS programme, outgoing students can use the Learning Agreement form of the Erasmus+ programme:

  • before the mobility: Learning Agreement (LA) before mobility
  • during the mobility: Learning Agreement (LA) during the mobility. The “During the Mobility” section of the LA must be handed in by everyone who has made changes to the courses listed in the “Before the Mobility” section of the LA. Only deleted or added courses should be indicated in the document. 
  • closing the mobility: Transcript of Records - there is no form for this document, it is issued by the host institution, contains all the courses completed and their credit value. For more information on closing your mobility, please check our website here: network mobility, freemover mobility
The general rules for the recognition of studies abroad, the general credit recognition procedure mandatory for all outgoing students and the FAQ in this topic, which are also valid for CEEPUS outgoing students, are available here, in sections I./1, II. and III. Please read them carefully before choosing the courses you wish to take at the host institution.  When you are planning your studies, you can consult the ELTE network coordinator (2023/24) in the case of network mobility and your faculty coordinator in the case of Freemover mobility. Attention! The deadline for finalising the course list and submitting the documents detailed in the general credit recognition procedure is 30 November for the autumn semester and 30 April for the spring semester.

VI. More information