Type of instruction
Part of degree program
Recommended in
Semesters 1-4
Typically offered in
Autumn/Spring semester
Course description
- General introduction (term of algae, algology; connection to other topics in biology; basic elements of algal morphology and reproduction; systematics of algae)
- General characteristics of algal divisions I.: cell structure; pigment composition; cell wall; present or absent and structure of flagella; present or absent and position of stigma (eye-spot); cell-motions;
- General characteristics of algal divisions II.: characteristic (important) metabolitic processes (e.g. nitrogen fixation); reproduction; base of classification inside of divisions; short owerview of orders; importance of algae in nutrient cicle and water qualification.
- Prokariota I. division: Cyanobacteria
- Prokariota II.division: Prochlorophyta
- Eukariota I. division Rhodophyta
- II. division - Heterokontophyta, Chrysophyceae, Xanthophyceae.
- II. division - Bacillariophyceae, Pheaophyceae, Chloromonadophyceae
- III-VII. division - Haptophyta, Eustigmatophyta, Cryptophyta, Dinophyta, Euglenophyta
- VIII. division - Chlorophyta: Phytomonadina, Chlorococcales, Ulotrichales, Zygnematales, Desmidiales, Charophyceae.
- Ecology of algae; importance of algae in nutrient cicle
- Biological water qualification (halobity, trophity, saprobity, toxicity), relation of algae and water quality
- Relation of algae and water quality (how the algae influece the water quality how can be detected water quality by algal investigations)
- Eutrophcation in lakes and rivers.
- Toxicity of waters caused by algae, toxicological algal tests
- GRAHAM, L. E. and WILCOX, L. W. 2000: Algae. - Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 723 pp
- HOEK, C. VAN DEN MANN, D. G. & JAHNS, H. M., 1995. Algae. An introduction to phycology. – Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. pp. 623.