Helping those affected by the Ukranian crisis
Helping those affected by the Ukranian crisis

6 April 2022
Classes for Ukrainian children - In response to the crisis in Ukraine, ELTE's Faculty of Humanities has organised the country's first afternoon school for refugee children. >> Details
28 March 2022
Following the decision of the leadership, Eötvös Loránd University, - within the University’s availability – may receive those students holding Hungarian, Ukrainian, or other citizenships and having contractual student status with universities in Ukraine, who fled to Hungary due to the war in Ukraine and wish to continue their studies at Eötvös Loránd University in the Spring Semester of 2022. The University will examine each application separately and for the concerned students – within the faculties capacity – may offer visiting student status and a complete tuition fee waiver.
The affected students can send their applications and additional questions to the following e-mail address:
Відповідно до рішення керівництва Університету ім. Лоранда Етвеша Університет, враховуючи свої можливості, прийматиме іноземних студентів угорського, українського чи іншого громадянства, що вчились в українських вищих навчальних закладах і втекли до Угорщини у зв’язку з війною, та мають намір продовжити навчання під час весняного семестру 2022 року в Університеті ім. Лоранда Етвеша. Університет кожну заявку розглядатиме окремо і – в залежності від можливостей факультетів - забезпечуватиме зацікавленим студентам статус запрошених студентів та безкоштовне навчання.
З метою більш ефективного розгляду справ зацікавлених студентів Університет очікує заявки, матеріали та інші запитання на наступну електронну адресу:
2 March 2022
2 new donation points - we are accepting donations now at the Faculty of Education and Psychology and the Faculty of Humanities as well. >> Details
1 March 2022
New donation points - we are accepting donations both in Budapest and Szombathely. >> Details
28 February 2022
ELTE is recruiting volunteers - More donation points are active at ELTE: citizens of the University can help in logistics. There is also need for Ukrainian and Russian interpreters in the charity operations.>> Details
26 February 2022
ELTE started collecting donations on Monday - In the countrywide initiative of the University, non-perishable food, blankets, mattresses, general and women’s hygiene products are collected, and it is also possible to offer apartment rentals to the refugees and the Hungarian students across the borders. >> Details
25 February 2022
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) helps refugees coming from Ukraine and its students from across the border - ELTE offers 200 places to accommodate and to provide for the refugees who are coming from Ukraine. The academic leadership of the University in cooperation with the Student Union prepares an aid package that helps the humanitarian activities near the border and the Ukranian students of the University. >> Details