General Hungarian Language Courses at ELTE - Registration for AUTUMN term 2019

This is a registration form for General Hungarian Language Course at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Please, fill in the following form carefully. All data will be saved. The courses will start in the first week of October 2019.
If you have further questions, please check our website: OR contact us:
If you are ELTE students, please, keep in mind that to get credit points you should sign up for the Hungarian language lessons in Neptun system (you’ll get your Neptun ID after registration) too.

Personal information:

Status | Study programme of the applicant*

Please, select the current level of your study program / status*

Language levels and registration to the groups

Details good to know before filling in the boxes:

You can apply for

  1. General Hungarian language course I. - 2x45-minute long classes / week at A1, A2, B1, B2, C levels |
    The course fee is 60 EUR for every non-student, or ELTE student who are currently enrolled in a full-time degree program at Eötvös Loránd University or any other university of Budapest, and should be transferred until 1 March, 2019. (The bank account / transfer details will be sent via e-mail after registration)
    This option is free of charge for incoming Erasmus students at ELTE (not for Erasmus students of other university of Budapest)
  2. General Hungarian language course II. - 4x45-minute long classes / once or twice a week at  A1, A2, B1 levels | 
    The course fee is 110 EUR for every non-student, or ELTE student who are currently enrolled in a full-time degree program at Eötvös Loránd University or any other university of Budapest, and should be transferred until 1 March, 2019. (The bank account / transfer details will be sent via e-mail after registration)
    This option is 60 EUR for incoming Erasmus students at ELTE.

Before applying and choosing your level, please check the following list of requirements to define your level;

(of course, at the begining of the classes the teachers will help you to get into the proper groups too. Placement tests are written in groups of B1-C)

A1.1 Complete beginner

A1.2 Beginner
Topics: Introduction / bemutatkozás | verbs ending -ul/ül | The question „Where?” and prepositions / hol? (ragok és névutók) | Basic inflection in singular / alapragozás egyes számban | Shopping / vásárlás
A2.1 Elementary 1.
Topics: To where / hová? | Basic inflection in plural / alapragozás többes számban | Plural | From where? / honnan? | Infinitive / infinitívusz | When? / mikor? | Daily routine / napirend | Home / otthon, lakás | Travelling / utazás | Weather / időjárás | Hobbies / hobbik
A2.2 Elementary 2.
Topics:  Verbal prefixes (Directive)  / iránytjelölő igekötők | The question How? hogyan? | Verbs and Modals 'akar, kell, lehet, szabad' + inf.  | Possessive / birtoklás  | habeo | Transport / közlekedés | At the Doctor / Orvosnál  | School and Work / Professions / tanulás, munka
B1.1. Pre-Intermediate 1.
Topics: habeo / Definite and Indefinite Conjugation / határozott ragozás | past tense / múlt idő felismerése
B1.2 Pre-Intermediate 2.
Topics: birtoktöbbesítő jel  / meg-, el- | Past Tense / múlt idő | Restaurant / étterem | In the city / a városban | Free time activities: tours, cinema, theatre | Storytelling / történetmesélés | Writing CV
B2. Intermediate
Topics: formal/informal addressing vous vs. tu  /  maga, Pronouns / egymás | Comparatives / fokozás, összehasonlítás | Relative clauses / vonatkozó névmás, von. mellékmondat / The Imperative / felszólító mód | The Conditionals / feltételes mód | Infinitive conjunction / főnévi igenév személyragozása | Participles / melléknévi igenév / személyes névmások ragozott alakjai  
C advanced
Topics: bővített igeneves szerkezetek | műveltetés | határozói igenév

Please, select the type of classes that you prefer attending*

Please, select your level of Hungarian language that you prefer attending*

Please, note that classes can start only with the minimum number of 5 students.

Additional questions:

Have you already learned Hungarian language?

To finish, please type into the box your e-mail address (We are going to send you the details about the course to the given address)