Kindergarten Education (part-time)


Kindergarten Education (part-time)


Kindergarten Educator


Degree program



Accreditation number





6 semesters (3 years)

ECTS credits


Minimum number of students


Maximum number of students



The Pre-School Educator BA Program trains future professionals who will possess the theoretically-based knowledge, skills and competences in pedagogy needed to fulfill the expectations of pre-school education. The program’s aim is to prepare experts who have acquired a firm foundation in theory and practical skills and are capable of and dedicated to educating three- to six-year-old children. The program is conducted in person, at the Faculty of Pre-School and Primary Education in Budapest, Hungary.

The program will expand and renew the participants’ knowledge, shape their usage of methodology when interpreting integrated pre-school activities, conducting complex and differentiated planning and organizing and managing education-related tasks.  By consciously applying psychologically, pedagogically and methodologically appropriate planning of an age-specific activity structure, the course will provide the students with optimal conditions for the development of children.

Strength of program

One main feature of the program is to provide top-level theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of early childhood education. Our faculty is the flagship institute for pre-school teachers’ training in Hungary.

The feedback regarding our alumni’s ability to fill positions in the job market is very positive; in the past years, our students have been able to choose from a wide selection of jobs. 

The Research Lab conducts research and organizes several events for students and practicing teachers, such as Workshops for Kindergarten Educators or a Play Lab for pedagogical practitioners and parents.

The Early Childhood Lab publishes a peer-reviewed journal called ‘Gyermeknevelés’ ( Each Volume has three issues per a year. The wide range of topics found in this periodical encompass areas spanning Early Inclusion to the Historic Aspects of Education or Multimodal Perspectives of Childhood Studies.

Find the detailed structure of the program on the site of the Faculty

Direct link to the structure is available on this link

Career opportunities

Our graduates will be able to plan and effectively manage the kind of process-related pedagogical activities that support child-centered, differentiated development with the aim of supporting the growth of children’s personalities. Students will gain familiarity in how to comply with the relevant educational documentation while using the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired throughout the course.

Our graduates will be able to teach children aged three to six years by applying the knowledge gained in subjects such as Psychology, Pedagogy, Methodology and Language Skills. This foundation will be effectively utilized in supporting pre-school children’s needs, encouraging motivation and developing their thought processes.

A degree in pre-school education entitles the holder to fulfil positions at pre-schools owned by various entities, such as the local town council, church foundations or privately-run establishments. This qualification enables our graduates to continue their studies at the MA level.

Job examples
Day-Care Teacher, Pre-School Teacher
EU/EEA students
non-EU/EEA students
Tuition fee/semester

2,200 EUR

2,600 EUR

Application fee

120 EUR (Non-refundable)

150 EUR (Non-refundable)

Other costs

50 EUR Entrance exam fee (Non-refundable)

50 EUR Entrance exam fee (Non-refundable)

non-EU/EEA students
Tuition fee/semester

2,600 EUR

Application fee

150 EUR (Non-refundable)

Other costs

50 EUR Entrance exam fee (Non-refundable)

Offered for the next academic year


Start program

04, Sep, 2023

Deadline for applications - September intake

15, May, 2023

Is there a February intake


Admission requirements

Entry requirements:

Secondary school certificate

Please note: Even if you had a higher education, we only need your high school certificate provided.

Applicants are expected to have at least one year institutional work experience (private jobs −like babysitting− are not enough) in early childhood education.

Language requirements:

Minimum level of language proficiency (oral) (A1-C2): B2

Minimum level of language proficiency (written) (A1-C2): B2

Further comments:

Language input in case of English language training: at least intermediate level B2

Advanced English language knowledge is required. The language knowledge is assessed and evaluated during the online interview. Although no official language certificate is required for the program, it is recommended. Any certificate is accepted. The language of instruction for the entire program is English.

Documents to submit with application



Secondary school certificate


Transcript of records



in English, in MS Word format with one low resolution photo

Motivation letter

in English, see details below

Letter of recommendation

In English/in Hungarian, written by the employer.
Applicants are expected to have at least one year institutional work experience (private jobs −like babysitting− are not enough) in early childhood education.

Copy of the main pages of the passport (needs to be valid)

Scanned, in color all personal details and expiry date must be shown. Passport must be valid.

Medical certificate

A general medical certificate and a statement certifying any disability or special needs. To confirm medical eligibility: a medical certificate (download the formal documents from here:
Note: This is the only acceptable document for certifying medical eligibility. It must be completed and signed up by the candidate.

Certificate of clean criminal records


Copy of application fee transfer


Entrance exam fee


Reference work


Language certificate

if available

Application procedure

 Application procedure:

The application starts in the online application system. Students must register to the system, fill in the online application form, upload the required documents and follow the instructions given during the application process. The application deadline refers to the deadline for submission of the full and complete application package in the online system.

Applications will only be processed once the Application fee and the Entrance exam fee have been transferred to the Faculty’s bank account. The Application fee and the Entrance exam fee must be paid in one amount and is non-refundable.

The application and the entrance exam fee should be transferred to the following account:

  • Name of Bank: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury)
  • Account Holder: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
  • Account No.: 10032000-01426201-00000000
  • IBAN Number: HU03 1003 2000 0142 6201 0000 0000

On the transfer order please note the following: “TÓK, AH9708/01, your full name, R940535000”!

4. Entrance examination and selection process:

In case of September intake: Applications are examined by the Admission Board until the middle of June and applicants are notified of the outcome of the selection in the online application system until the end of June. Admission letters are sent out in the online application system until the end of June.

Type of entrance examination: oral/written/both

Aptitude exams

  1. Language aptitude test in English – written (Letter of motivation) and oral (online)
  2. Speech aptitude test – oral (online)
  3. Physical aptitude exam – two video files
  4. Singing aptitude exam – online

1. The language aptitude test in English is defined as evaluating the candidate’s potential for an intermediate-level English language competence. The assessment will contain an interview based on the letter of motivation.
Letter of motivation: Please write a letter of motivation and include some of the following details in 4-5 paragraphs. Word limit: 250-300 words.

a) Introduce yourself.
b) Explain how you heard about our program.
c) Describe why you are interested in this program and what you hope to achieve with the help of your studies.
d) Share your experiences in early education.

2. Speech aptitude is specially designed to cater to the level of aptitude that the candidate has good communicative competences; his/her speech is qualified for the teacher’s profession, and the ability to acquire the curricula of the pre-primary’s language education.

3. Physical aptitude is specially designed to cater to the level of aptitude that the candidate has a basic physical skills; his/her physical ability is fit for the teacher’s profession; and the ability to acquire the curricula of the pre-primary’s physical education. Applicants have to upload self-made videos based on the requirements, that prove their physical suitability.

4. Singing aptitude is specially designed to evaluate the candidate’s level of aptitude for good music competences; his/her singing is qualified for the teacher’s profession, and the ability to acquire the curricula of the pre-primary’s music education.

The candidate needs to pass all of the aptitude exams.

Place of entrance examination:


Further details of the entrance exam:

The interview takes about 20 minutes in the previously indicated and scheduled time sent by the student coordinator via e-mail. More information about the aptitude exams and dates at

Further details of selection and evaluation:

The ranking is based on a total evaluation of the academic excellence (based on the submitted documents) and the results of the entrance exam. Results and the official decision will be announced within a month after the aptitude exam date, in the application system.

We will only start the programme if we have the minimum required number of students.

Program leader
Dr. Zsófia BÖDDI
Senior Lecturer
Program coordinator
Zsófia NEMES
Postal address: 40 Kiss János altábornagy Street, H-1126 Budapest, Hungary

Kindergarten education part-time

Kindergarten education part-time




